What is a Heyoka Empath?

Heyoka Empath

Most people know what an empath is, someone that can pick up the feelings and emotions of those around them. This is also someone that becomes the emotions and the feelings of others to the point where they can even pick up physical pain that someone is feeling.

There are different types of empaths and one of them is called the Heyoka empath. This is from the Native American Sioux tribe, and it is translated into “trickster.” Heyoka empaths are people that look at the world around them so that they can point out the flaws. They are very wise, and they try to get people to look at life differently and with an open mind.

Heyoka Empath

Here are some signs that you might be a Heyoka empath:

  • You Are Witty

If you’re someone that is witty and has a good sense of humor, then you might be a Heyoka empath. This is someone that can make people smile even when they are upset or sad. If you’re someone that makes others laugh and you live your life by reacting surprisingly to certain situations, this might be you. These are people that can change your thinking to something positive and enjoy mental activities.

  • Sarcastic

Another sign of a Heyoka empath is that you’re an extrovert and your outgoing. You also tell jokes, but you keep a lot of your jokes to yourself. You are sarcastic and serious at times because you’re able to see the world differently. You might have sarcasm in your blood and if you’re a Heyoka empath you also might:

      1. Like pointing out dry humor.
      2. Speaking the truth with sarcasm.
      3. Point out things other people are afraid to talk about.
      4. Be misunderstood.
      5. Be called inappropriate.
  • Mental Games

Heyoka empaths love to use their minds and they also will deal with sensitive issues that other people have or are afraid of. This personality loves mental games, and they use it to increase their spiritual practices.

These empaths have clear insight, and they are able to talk about things that are negative or serious without draining their emotions. If you’re a trickers when you talk to others or if you distance yourself when things become emotionally connected, you’re probably a Heyoka empath.

  • Love to Interact

This type of empath likes to interact with people one on one. They understand people more when they are able to talk face to face and to be more intimacy. They offer meaningful lessons and teach others. Heyoka empaths often take out the energy when they are with large groups and so the emotions can be harder to handle unless it’s an intimate setting.

Since these are very sensitive empaths, they have a hard time with bright lights and noise levels. Their sensory input can be overwhelming and make them uncomfortable. If you feel drained in big crowds and you don’t feel like you can connect with people because of the setting, you might be this kind of empath.

  • You Enjoy Alone Time

Empaths are very sensitive, and they pick up the emotions of others. They can even feel pain of someone that comes into the room. Empaths will feel both good and bad emotions and this is why they like to have alone time.

Heyoka empaths also need to have alone time because they spend too much time in their wisdom. They need to have time alone so that they can reflect and build up their skills and their strength. If you like to be alone so that you can organize your thoughts or so that you can meditate, you might have this kind of empath.

  • You Respond Differently to Tragedy

When something bad happens, Heyoka empaths will react in a way to try to build up the people around them. They will try to change the energy of the group around them so that they can uplift the people. They focus their moods on uplifting others even in the time of pain and hurt.

The Heyoka empath will feel powerful when they can make people feel better.

  • Trusting

Empaths are very sensitive and caring and they keep a check on their emotions. Heyoka empaths will try to say few words in order to interact and this is because:

      1. They care a lot, and they listen to others more than talking.
      2. They don’t judge others.
      3. They honor people and their experiences.
      4. They tease and play with people.
      5. They are honest and have good conversations.

Heyoka empaths will try to help someone that feels that they aren’t heard or seen, and they are selfless, and they try to heal others. They will want others to change and to be the best that they can be.

If you are able to connect easily with others and you turn negative situations into something better, you might be this kind of empath.

  • Honest

Heyoka empaths are also very honest. They are people that are receptive to emotions and they value honest at the top. They are able to know when someone isn’t being honest or when someone isn’t being true.

It will be harder for a Heyoka empath to trust someone because they will be able to know if the person is being honest or not. This is important for any empath and so if you are someone that is dishonest about who you are or about what you’re saying, stay away from this kind of empath.

  • Know When People Are Lying

Empaths are able to tune into what a person is thinking and saying, and they can tell when someone is being honest or when they are lying. They will be able to read your behavior and know if you’re intentions don’t match with what you’re saying.

Heyoka empaths are able to feel when someone is overly nervous or when they are conflicted, and this is one way they are able to spot a lie.

  • Change the People Around Them

A Heyoka empath is able to tune into what someone is feeling deep inside. They are able to know what someone is thinking without them saying anything. They might not even realize that they are able to do this, but this is why they are such good listeners.

If you are someone with strong intuition, or if you think that you have a psychic gift, chances are that you might be a Heyoka empath.

  • Creative

Heyoka empaths see the world differently and if you are someone that pics up on sensitive moments then you will have strong reactions to them if you’re an empath. It is important for an empath to go out in nature and to embrace things of beauty like art and other creative things.

People will be attracted to Heyoka empaths because they are creative, and they are strong in music and arts. If you are someone that has innovative ideas that you need to express creatively, you might be a Heyoka empath.

  • Life Isn’t Too Serious

Heyoka empaths believe that life is always changing and therefore they don’t take things too seriously. They know that nothing lasts forever and that things can be unpredictable. These are people that can only control how they react to the world around them, and they will do this by living their life gracefully and having fun along the way.

They don’t get too upset about anything and if you are someone that enjoys helping others without taking life too seriously, you might be this kind of empath.

  • You Wonder What’s Wrong with You

This kind of empath is someone that is different and unique. It can be hard for them to understand that they are different than other people. They might even believe that they have something wrong with themselves.

When someone is overly sensitive and they have charged interactions with people, it can be hard for them to understand what is going on inside of them. This can happen though if someone is sensitive.

Being sensitive isn’t a weakness though and this can help others to be able to be stronger. Those that are sensitive often have emotional turmoil over it but it’s not a bad thing at all.

Are You a Heyoka Empath?

If you are able to understand the signs of being a Heyoka empath and you think that you might be one, you probably are. You are someone that can practice their communication skills and help others by being an active listener. By listening to your intuition, you can see that you have your very own superpower.

Some people might not understand the way that you respond to them, and that’s okay. You can use your abilities to connect with others and to live your best life while changing the world for the better.

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