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Getting Over the Spiritual Awakening

It may be hard for you to understand a spiritual awakening unless you have experienced it. This might be something that you remember doing as a child or a time where you felt calm and collected and where you weren’t listening to your inner voice. There are times that are there for you where you are meditating and opening up your body to the awareness of the spiritual world around you. Some psychol...[Read More]

A Dowsing Reading, can it Make Life Better?

Dowsing is an ancient work where people will use things to find water under the ground. This happens when people hold a stick in their hands and walk around until they find water. Dowsing is a word that is often used as a spiritual practice. It is a way that people can use an object to help them to do something. This is something that has went back to Egyptian times when people would use things su...[Read More]

Four Types of Indigos and How They Survive

Anyone who is an indigo person will know that the main factor of an indigo person is the color indigo. This color will be in that persons aura from the time that they are born until their life moves on. Indigos are different and there are different kinds of indigos including humanists, artists, conceptualists, and catalysts. Each of the indigos are different and they deal with life in a different ...[Read More]

A Guide to Scrying or Looking at Reflections

There is a kind of practice that is ancient that works with your intuition, and it helps you to see things by meditating and looking into a shining or reflective surface. This kind of tool is called scrying. Many people in history have talked about scrying but it is so different for everyone that it can be hard for people to understand it. This kind of practice has been around for many years, and ...[Read More]

How the Universe is Giving You What You Want

Have you been asking the universe to give you something that you have been wanting and you don’t seem to be getting anywhere? You cannot figure out why nothing is happening because you have worked hard, and you are being the best that you can, but you still just don’t feel like you are getting anywhere. This probably means you don’t understand the Law of Attraction. The universe is on your side an...[Read More]

Symbolism of the Earth

The earth is more than just an ordinary planet in the solar system. It may be the most unique planet because it is currently the only known to provide and sustain life. Not only is earth physically unique, but also spiritually unique in many senses. Many cultures believe the earth is just a place we remain until we move into eternity. Scientists also see the earth as unique as the only planet capa...[Read More]

How Listening to Affirmations While You Sleep Helps Your Life

Those who are serious about changing their life should try listening to affirmations about why they sleep. Positive affirmations have a greater impact if you listen to them while your conscious mind is resting. What Are Affirmations? Affirmations are positive words that speak the truth. It may not be things that are apparent in your life but are deep within you. For instance, you may not be wealth...[Read More]

How to Know if You Have Karmic Debt

Do you feel that you are always dealing with negative patterns in your life? Do you deal with toxic relationships over and over, bad finances, sickness, emotions, and negative feelings? If so, you might be dealing with karmic debt. Karmic debt is not a bad thing once you realize that you have it and learn to repay it. Once you learn to repay your karmic debt, you can let the universe see you and k...[Read More]

Addressing Your Shadow Self to Heal Yourself

Carl Jung said “the shadow is the unknown ‘dark side’ of our personality.”  Consider times you may have acted irrationally despite knowing it was wrong.  This devious side of you seems to act of its own accord, yet on a conscious level you know what is right, but that doesn’t stop your impulsivity.  It may get to the point you feel like you are battling your logical and emotional brain throughout ...[Read More]

How to Safeguard from Energy Vampires

Interacting with energy vampires is one of the most intense contact sports.  Sure, energy vampires don’t physically drain your life force, but they do drain your enjoyment of life or motivation.  Often these emotional thieves don’t do it on purpose.  But they can wreak havoc with our lives.  Know how to recognize them is the first step in protecting yourself. Identifying energetic vampires Emotion...[Read More]

Learning to Let go and Forgive

Forgiveness is something that is for strong people. It is not easy to forgive, and you have to be strong in order to do this. There are people all over the world that are very sensitive to the spiritual world and as long as they live a good life, they can keep this strong. But when unforgiveness sweeps in, it can cause even strong people to miss out on being connected strongly. Their energy might ...[Read More]

Uncover Your Soul’s Purpose

We all have a special purpose in life. Some people know exactly what this is very early in life while others pre-plan specific experiences in their life that lead them where they need to be. Neither option is better than the other. How ever you find your purpose is perfect for you in the current incarnation. Some people have a large purpose acting as a guiding light for change and evolution. Other...[Read More]

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